Fingercheck Ideas

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Exclude employees Not required to punch from live status
Feature request
Under Review
Please add a feature to exclude some employees from live status when they are not required to punch.
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Spanish version of Fingercheck
Feature request
In Progress
We would love to have a Spanish version of Fingercheck
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Missed Punch Request
Feature request
Under Review
If an employee misses a punch, they should be able to submit a "missed punch request" where they can enter the correct punch (like the current time punch view) and be able to add notes (Also, notes should be mandatory or have an option for it to be mandatory) and once approved by the supervisor it should automatically be added to the employee's timecard
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Scheduling Overtime Alerts/verification
Feature request
Under Review
Having a function in the scheduling module where an employee is being scheduled for more than a designated amount of hours per week, an auto alert and possibly a verification process should also be activated. This is crucial for the function of mine and any large business trying to schedule shifts while preventing unplanned overtime. In our case, I would like to give my site supervisors the duty of scheduling shifts on the Fingercheck Scheduling module, but I have to use different software to provide them with alerts during the scheduling process. This alert or verification system should be subject to the company as opposed to a specific job site, as one may have a single employee working in several locations etc. Additionally, if approval is given to schedule the overtime after the alert, approvals should be given every time additional overtime is trying to be scheduled. Color coding employees with overtime scheduled should be an added feature as well.
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PTO Calendar to see who is absent in my Company
Feature request
Under Review
As an Employee I want to be able to see who is absent from my team and my entire company
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Pay On-Demand Include Expense Reimburment
Feature request
For the Available balance for pay On-Demand we should include any approved expense request that is marked for reimbursement
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SSN Validation
Feature request
Under Review
Run a validation on SSN when entering new employees against IRS
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